
Here is a list with our partners supporting, sponsoring or powering this website and this virtual organization.

IT Web Solutions™ our great hosting provider.

We have a guaranteed 99.99% up-time with no interruptions and so far they did great keeping our websites up and running on the web.

We are hosting with IT Web Solutions™ more than 10 domains since March 2007 and we are very pleased with the service. 

On top of it, having 24/7 access to professional customer and tech support is giving us peace of mind knowing they will back us up anytime when need it.




If you are looking for a hosting provider, give them a try, you won't regret it.



Check them up at:



VATSIM - Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network

Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network

We strongly encourage all our virtual pilots to fly online on VATSIM and to comply with the VATSIM procedures and code of conduct.  

In fact this is the best and the easiest way to learn, to prove your skills as a virtual pilot and to build a great career by accumulating your hours online on VATSIM.



This list will be updated often. check back soon for more details.