Contact us

Here is a contact list with the administrative staff and management and how to get in touch with them:

Considering that staff members are working on a voluntary basis, dedicating time and effort for the organization, please allow some time for them to answer and be respectful and courteous in your inquires.

Help and support - technical support - use the forum and the ticket system

For help and support regarding website functionality, downloads and install add-on's sceneries, planes, pireps, ranks, awards, pay rate, financial transactions like purchasing assets and items from our Real Estate Market and Super Store,  or any other similar issues related with the functionality of the website, please check the forums first, the answer maybe already there, and if you can't find the solution, then submit a trouble ticket using our ticket system following this link here

Ticket system - click here - (link will be come soon, work in progress)

Suggestions and feed-back

Don't hesitate to contact us with new ideas, suggestions, feed-back or anything related with our Thunder Eagles organization. Please understand that the staff members maybe busy doing administrative tasks and it may take some time for them to answer.


Board of Directors & Officers

Human Resources Department

Dianna Lewis

Human Resources Officer



Flight Training School

Luis Gonzales

Flight Training School Manager


Operations Department

Bryan Adams

Chief Operations Officer


Financial Department

Amanda Clark

Chief Financial Officer


Business Department

Mike Wilson

Chief Business Officer


Bank Governor & Vice President

Chris Anderson


Founder & President

Gabe Gallacher
